Week 1&3: These menus are geared toward the older woman going through menopause. At this time in a woman’s life, diet is especially important to health and well being. These menus meet the needs of these women. These Mature Women menus include good sources of fiber, are low in fat (24% fat), high in calcium, and moderate in sodium. They contain Soy products, which are believed to help fight symptoms of menopause as well, like decreasing the risk for certain cancers and help protect against heart disease.
Week 2&4: Maximum bone loss occurs as early as the mid-thirties. After that we begin to slowly lose bone density and/or bone strength. The “Bone Health” Templates are on the cutting-edge of current research being done in the areas of bone strength and the prevention of osteoporosis. The nutritional goals in maximizing bone mass and minimizing bone loss include adequate intakes of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and unsaturated fatty acids. These menus include foods such as dairy products, fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, nuts, and meats that are rich in all of these essential nutrients. Ongoing studies are linking vitamin K and vitamin B12 to the prevention of hip fractures and to the strengthening of bones. https://www.great-answer.com/
These menus include foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, dairy foods, fish, beef, and eggs that are rich in both these important vitamins. In addition, these menus include isoflavones from soy foods, which are believed to help prevent osteoporosis and benefit bone health. Soyfoods and flaxseed are also excellent sources of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are known as plant chemicals and have been shown to either directly or indirectly impact bone turnover.
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